Kemi Badenoch and the Nigerian Indignation: Awon a la ini Ironu ti won do Ara won ni Itan
Ipemndoh dan Iyan PhM
I do not care in the least for what Kemi Badenoch says as a British Citizen per se. I am concerned only with her uneducated Opinions about being a British Citizen in the Context of her being of the “African” Race. Her Comments in this Regard affect me, as they affect her. As much as she is entitled to tell her Truths, she has no right, absolutely none, to distort our shared Histories of ‘racial Slavery’©, and ‘racial Colonization’© ‘racial Colonisation’© and expect to get away with her naked Self-Interest. I will not countenance Badenoch revising our shared History through her evidently unlearned Viewpoints on the Discourse to further her Self Hate as a Person of ‘recent African Origin’© (RAO©). She has to learn to separate (i) her personal Experience as a Person of RAO, and (ii) the ‘collective History’© of People of RAO. However, I have agreed with her where I found it fair to do so, as I care naught for Sentimentalities, including mine.
Kemi Badenoch and the African Identity
Kemi Badenoch has the View of collective Western Civilization as superior to African Cultures. In fact, her ‘Moral Predisposition’© is that the Occidental Branch of the Caucasian Race, the so-called white, is the superior of all Human Groupings. In this Sense, she is a ‘white’ Supremacist whether we call her one ‘by proxy’ or not, and irrespective of her racial Appearance. Her ‘shadow white black’© State of Mind is informed by, and limited to, her Understanding of African History as beginning from the ‘racial Slavery’ of Africans, and the ‘racial Colonization of Africa narrated to her by ‘colonial Bigotry’©, and “colonial Revisionism.” She really does not like being African despite her seeming Pride as African with her Claim as “Yoruba.” She does not appreciate Africans because in her damaged Mind, Africans have never contributed anything worthwhile to Human Evolution. Worse, she is so ashamed of our Histories of Slavery, and Colonization. It is in my Recognition of how she is dealing with these Shames that I say she is of “damaged Mind.” I sympathise with her that those Occurrences are, indeed, Humiliations of the African Identity, but I want to assure Mrs Badenoch here that Africa is the Origin of Homosapiens, and that Africans gave Civilization to the World including Democracy, which no Country in the World today practices/practises. Kemi Badenoch can start educating herself by reading ancient West(ern) European Historians like Herodotus, and Plutarch (both Grecian). She will learn a great Deal that African Civilization is worthy of Respect, and that the Backwardness of Africa today is the Legacy of ‘Western Acculturation’© cemented during those shameful Periods of Slavery and Colonisation. This westernisation has irreversibly subsumed the African such that while the Westerner keeps adapting, the African finds ‘eternal Utility’© in the Degeneracy of ‘Western imperialist Acculturation’©.
Kemi Badenoch criticizes Nigeria, but only as her Window into condemning Africa
Kemi Badenoch’s Speech here holds many Clues to her 1) alternate Reality, 2) Contestation against the African Entitlement to Fairness, 3) Denial of Prejudice directed at her, 4) Hate for the “African” Self, 5) Negative Revisionism of African Histories, and 6) overwhelmingly dishonest Interpretation of Western Morals, Practices, and Values. To elaborate on each of these Failures of the Badenoch Character is to make this Work into a full academic Enterprise. I do not have the Inclination.
The above Speech made during the Course of Mrs Kemi Badenoch’s Campaign for the Leadership of the Conservative (Tory) Party of the United Kingdom (UK) in 2024 is one of her many Speeches which enraged Nigerians. In this, she had reflected on the Experiences of her Stay in Nigeria. Nigerians went into ‘hallucinatory defensive Mode’©, but never cared about her other Speeches directly or indirectly minimising Africa until she began to tell of her Experiences in that essentially ‘morally underdeveloped Country’©
You will find below Online (Internet) Links through my X (previously Twitter) Responses to certain Demonstrations of her ‘shadow white black’ Identification (not ‘Identity’). My Responses exemplify how I rate her Cognition (“cognitive complexity”). For me, One is not “clever” because One has Qualifications. One is “clever” only if One’s Qualifications have enlightened One, and this can only have happened if during the Course of One getting those Qualifications One had simply not regurgitated Textbooks, and ‘Lecturer Doctrines’© For instance, in her Nonsense about Africa not deserving ‘Reparations’ for ‘racial Slavery, and ‘racial Colonization’, it is evident that Kemi Badenoch is disgracefully uneducated about ‘The Treaty of Peace’ signed at Versailles, France on 28 June 1919 (effective 10 January 1920) to conclude the First World War. So, if Mrs Badenoch is so shallow about History as recent as 1919, how could any reasonable Person expect her Brain to be able to grapple with the Realities of European Imperialism, especially UK Imperialism, of Centuries back? Kemi Badenoch forever says “British” when she talks about UK Colonialism, Imperialism, and Slavery/Slave Trade. Her framing of these Phenomena confirms that she has no independent Mind of rationalization, as she also recycles the Rubbish that the UK was first to abolish Slavery. The French National Convention of 4 February 1794 did ca fifty (50) Years prior, and its Abolition was enfranchising. The UK first Attempt at confronting Slavery and the Slave Trade was with the 'Slave Trade Act 1807' of 25 March of that Year effective on 1 May. It ended the Slave Trade, not Slavery. It was two (2) Months minus one (1) Day behind the US ‘‘Commission on the Abolition of the Transatlantic Slave Trade Act’’ signed into Force on 2 March 1807 by President Thomas Jefferson. The UK and the US trailed Denmark whose King Christian VII signed the Decree: "the trade in blacks" in 1792 with the Proscription Date of 1803 for the transatlantic Slave trading in Africans. The UK lukewarm Attempt at abolishing the Slavery of Africans was in the 'Slavery Abolition Act 1833' of 28 August 1833 effective from 1 August 1834. It was not absolute. It simply transferred the Majority of the Slaves into Indentureship, stylised as "Apprenticeship" until 1840. Even after 1840, the freed Slaves were not enfranchised as the French National Convention of 1794 did. So, every time Mrs Kemi Badenoch opens her Mouth to talk about UK – which she unintelligently calls “British” –Imperialism she simply amplifies her Imbecility on the Matter. Badenoch just echoes what suits her Sentiments. This Behaviour is from her Attitude of what can be recognised as “confirmation bias” (CB). Mr Rufai Oseni of Arisetv Nigeria got CB wrong here What Badenoch does in Oseni’s ‘Context of Explanation’© is what I call 'Appeasement Syndrome'© to placate ‘white’ Supremacy. Thus, when Kemi Badenoch maligns the Nigerian Police for stealing her Brother’s Shoes and Wristwatch, she, in superficie, exhibits challenged Cognition. Were she of sound Mind, she would grasp that Salary Differentials for Police Forces in different Countries, ordinarily, mediate Attitudes. For Instance, despite reasonable Pay, Police Graft in the US is of huge Concern. However, I can be generous, and suggest that Mrs Badenoch’s ‘false Comparison(s)’© of Nigeria’s Police, and UK’s is premeditatedly from her 'Appeasement Syndrome’. Below, as I indicated above, are some of Mrs Badenoch’s Demonstrations of her Difficulties with historical Realities, and my Responses to those Inadequacies.
1.… - “I don’t care about colonialism because [I] know what we were doing before colonialism got there. ..." Please, do tell @KemiBadenoch. I do not give a Toss that you do not care about "Colonialism," but I worry that you make up Stories© @HouseofCommons
2.… - U r NOT educated enough @KemiBadenoch to come to this Conclusion. Even Academics cannot make such inferential Jumps. Please, write a Thesis on the improbable Connection you have just made. Nobody is asking u 2 commit Gaffes but u believe it is necessary©
3. Your "Argument" @K_Niemietz is? Did YOU write the Summary to 'Imperial Measurement ...' the Publication @KemiBadenoch believes supports her Denial abt UK Imperialism? You READ this Summary? Does NOT prove us wrong. It presents a Publication RIDDLED with CAVEATS and UNCERTAINTIES©
4.… - PATHETIC how 'white Culture Superior’© Propagandists r PITIFULLY delusional like u @RubinReport. @KemiBadenoch 'Wannabeness'© OVERWHELMS her. Working as a BBC Market Interviewer in the 90s, I met MANY 'white' English Wives preferring me talk to Husbands©
5.… - STILL waiting to see your PHYSICAL Metamorphosis from "black" to "white" @KemiBadenoch. As of now, you are ONLY 'shadow white black'©. @realDonaldTrump IS as @DavidLammy said & more. Your OBSEQUIOUSNESS can't change that. You r the African's worst Enemy©
An Identity predicated on false Premises: the Nigerian ‘Combo Tradition of Resignation and Dissonance Reduction’©
The Nigerian Identity is predicated on the false Premises of 1) Nation, 2) Indivisibility, and 3) Distortion of historical Facts. In Reality, “Nigeria’ is not ‘Identity’, but ‘Identification’. What Difference do I make between ‘Identity’, and ‘Identification’? The best Explanation is too illustrate with the common Experiences of the Western Slaver-Coloniser/Colonizer, and the African Slave-colonised/colonized. The Identity is “African.” The Identification is “black.” Capisci? “Nigeria,” as Geography, human and physical, was the merging of contiguous trading Posts owned by the Royal Niger Company acquired by the UK Colonial Government in 1900. The Parts with common cultural History, and shared Genealogy were the southern Areas of the ‘Territorial Contrivance’©, in particular, the Igbo and the Yoruba, but which over very long Period of Time had become different Nations. So, what became Nigeria is no more than a Country of ‘aberrated Statehood’©. dan Iyan in 2002 redefined the ‘Country’, as ‘Territorial State’ (University of Aberdeen). See Adeyemo, A. A. et al (2005) on the DNA Kingship between the Igbo and the Yoruba.
In his emotive Outburst in the Attempt to silence Kemi Badenoch from narrating her Life Experience in Nigeria, the Vice President of the Country, Mallam Kashim Shettima, claimed Nigeria as the "greatest black nation on earth ... ." The first idiotic Proposition in Shettima’s Remark is that ‘Nigeria’ is a “Nation.” A ‘Nation’ is ‘Belongingness founded on common cultural History, and shared Genealogy’ (dan Iyan 2021, “Nigeria” is, ergo, not a “Nation,” but a Country, a Territorial State. The second and absolutely laughable fantasization in Shettima’s Emotionalism is the bragging of Nigeria as the “greatest black [Country] on earth.” This is a Country with vast natural Resources, and incredible Self-Reliance, aka enviable individual Resourcefulness, yet is woed by 41 per cent of its Population below the World’s Poverty Line (World Bank (Global_POVEQ_NGA, 2024). The pertinent Question to ask, thus, of Nigeria’s Apologists is whether a Country is “greatest” because it has immense Attributes untapped or little-tapped as well as undermined by the Aggrandizement of oligarchic Groups or is “greatest” because it encourages, in addition to facilitating, the Exploration of its Attributes as far as practicable? The Fact is, raw or refined, Nigeria is an ‘oligarchic Governance’© bred on ‘Matter of Course Corruption’©, and survivalist on ‘cultural Corruption’©. This is a Country where they say “two in three families go hungry” yet it is Shettima’s, and his Boss, Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s Policies making Nigerians hungry and dispossessed while both are feeding fat, and living lavishly off the Country’s Public Resources. Anyone noticed how physically bloated Tinubu is becoming? Another preposterous Proposition, advanced softly by Shettima, but violently by Ogbeni Rufai Oseni, is that, as Kemi Badenoch is Yoruba, she is nationally a Nigerian. Badenoch has never denied that she is Yoruba, but Nigeria is only one of the many Countries in West Africa in which the Yoruba Nation was carved into ‘colonial Enclaves’© by Western Imperialists’. This is to say, in another Way, that Nigeria is not the only Country in West Africa with indigenous Yoruba Populations. This is Lesson for Rufai Oseni; you can be Yoruba without being a Nigerian. Oseni took Umbrage with Badenoch stating that “I identify less with [Nigeria] than with ... being Yoruba” yet this is very straightforward English. The English Language has Nuances as the Yoruba Language, and any other Language. Here is another Illumination for Rufai Oseni. Kemi Badenoch’s Remark here is founded soundly on the History of “Nigeria.” The Yoruba existed Centuries before ‘Nigeria’; the UK colonial ‘Mercantile Configuration’© manufactured into a Country. Africans unbridled by ‘colonial Acculturation’©, and ‘colonial Deference’© would agree with her that it is only self-respecting for Africans to see ourselves in Terms of our Nationalities, and Ethnicities rather than eternally resigned to the Identifications initially foisted on us by Western Imperialisms, and later embraced by us, as the dutiful colonized Minds we were, and still are. Your “Nigerian” Indivisibility is Pie in the Sky, Mr Oseni. It is philosophically ‘forced Commonality’©. Paradoxically, I must say, Mrs Badenoch does not appear to be extricated from ‘colonial Acculturation’, and ‘colonial Deference’, but she parrots the Consciousness of we who are. Those who have come across me in the past, especially from the last twenty Years or so, would attest to it that I identify myself in Terms of my Nationality as Fulani. As I have already made clear here, and in my many other Writings, ‘Citizenship’ is not the same as ‘Nationality’ although Western Disinformation has conflated both (to mean the same) to manipulate simpleton Africans irrespective of how formally educated these Africans beat their Chests to be.
Following on from the Nonsense of Mrs Badenoch as Yoruba and necessarily Nigerian, her Nigerian Detractors concluded that she had sold out her “Identity,” as a Nigerian by telling her Truths about Nigeria. They would prefer she swept these under the Carpet. This is quite most idiotic a Criticism of Kemi Badenoch. She has said nothing new about Nigeria. The only Difference is that she was telling it from her personal Experiences, her Realities. If Nigerians are so hellbent on telling her to shut up, One does not need to wonder why their Country is wretched, and will continue to be so.
Kemi Badenoch was born in England in the UK, but Nigerians insist she is Nigerian because, as they claim, her Parents are Nigerian. This Nigerian Presumptuousness is typical as Nigerians are wont to declare prominent Persons their own even when very clearly Nigeria has not contributed in the least to the Eminence of such Persons. Nigerians even assert famous African-Americans, descended from Generations of Slaves, as Nigerian when Nigeria did not come into Existence until Hundreds of Years after the first Slaves were abducted from Africa. I am not in any Position to question whether or not Mrs Badenoch’s Parents are Nigerian. I do not know their Ages, but if they were born before 1 October 1960, factually and historically, they are not ‘bona fide Nigerian’©, but ‘retrospective Nigerian’© by Virtue of the ‘retrospective Determination’© of the Nigerian Constitutions of 1960, and 1963.
If one paid close Attention to the ‘Bandwagon Criticism’© levelled at Kemi Badenoch, it is that she denigrated Nigeria to ladder up to becoming the incumbent Tory Party Leader, and calculatingly to acquire the Prime Ministership. I say “Bandwagon Criticism” because once the cretinous Proposition that knocking Nigeria helped her onto the Tory Leader Seat was spewed, it became an Anthem. I find this Proposition of Badenoch focussing on Nigeria as Opportunity to climb up the Tory Ladder unbelievably unintelligent. It is tantamount to saying that the Parliamentary Party Members, and the ordinary Members of the Conservative Party who voted for her are all ‘white’ Supremacists and/or have particular Hate for Nigeria. Nothing can be most Hogwash, and it simply emphasizes my Conclusion of ‘Bandwagon Criticism’. Someone who does not know how Party Leadership Contests go in the UK – the Parties have different Processes – made ignorant Comments, and Lemmings simply followed suit. Besides, of what Relevance is Nigeria to UK Politics that anticipatory Prime Ministers would need to either hype the Country or diminish it? Please, “go siddon.” I refer to Lemmings here not as Indication of their mythical “mass suicide,” but rather in terms of their ‘migration flux’©
When Mrs Badenoch says she has “nothing in common with northern people,” Rufai Oseni jumped to the Conclusion that the North and South of Nigeria are in the “same Kwa ... Benue-Congo Language Group” It was noticeable that Reuben Abati (PhD) did not offer him the Validation he requested. Perhaps, Dr Abati recognised that Ogbeni Oseni was not that accurate. The South comprises the following Nations: (1) Igbo which is ‘Niger-Congo’ (Benue-Congo/Kwa), (2) Yoruba which is ‘Niger-Congo’ (Volta-Niger). The North is made up of (I) Fulani which is ‘Niger-Congo’ (Atlantic - Senegambian), (II) Hausa which is ‘Afro-Asiatic’, (III) Kanuri which is ‘Nilo-Saharan’, and (IV) Tiv which is ‘Niger-Congo’ (Benue-Congo). Badenoch is partly right.
Ipemndoh dan Iyan PhM©
All Rights 2024
15 December
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