They are not ignorant but simply of low cognitive Complexity and they support Donald J Trump Sr – Responding to TabithaSpeaksPolitics on Ice Cube the Singer and Actor
They are not ignorant but simply of low cognitive Complexity and they support Donald J Trump Sr – Responding to TabithaSpeaksPolitics on Ice Cube the Singer and Actor
Ipemndoh dan Iyan PhM |
Ignorance is the Cause, ignorant is the Effect, and Ignoramus is the Subject
I hardly use the Expression ‘Ignorance’ and its Derivatives of ‘ignorant’ or ‘Ignoramus’. Ignorance means One does not have sufficient Information to convert to Knowledge in Order to make reasonable Conclusions or Decisions. The sharpest Criticism I would have of the Ignoramus, therefore, is that s/he is either not intelligent enough or could not be bothered to search for ‘durable Fact’© Thus, to say someone is ‘ignorant’ when that someone is actually of ‘low cognitive Complexity’ is to be unreasonably charitable to that Person. I came across the Argument of “low ‘cognitive Complexity” in my undergraduate Study in Social Psychology. I cannot remember if I read the original Formulation of ‘Cognitive Complexity’ by Bieri, J (1955) or another Academic’s Discussion. For me, ‘cognitive Complexity’ is how much the Human Brain is wired to be able to wade through, and come to reasoned Conclusions on a Subject Matter (Human or other) bombarded by varying Facts, which might or might not conflict with One’s already held Perspective. I accept this State of Human Consciousness as “cognitive complexity,” and as I have explained above, I easily define it as the ‘Consciousness of adjusting Preconception to Reality’©
Responding to TabithaSpeaksPolitics on Ice Cube the Singer and Actor –
Look, TabithaSpeaksPolitics, I saw through Ice Cube in 2020 that he is a Donald J Trump Sr Fanatic when he made the Video (or was it an Interview?) about African-Americans needing to give their Votes in Return for Something. The Argument was evidently Sophistry, that is, it was ordinarily a good Argument were it not for the insidious Purpose of propping up Trump Sr. I was greatly disappointed in him as I had become in Mike Tyson, and other African-Americans who would be mostly Descendants of the House Slaves on Slave Plantations. Genes are transferred through Generations, and Genes do not lie. These Persons are self-denigrating African-Americans, as their Slave African Ancestors before them were overjoyed to receive the most fleeting of Smiles from their Masters, and Missuses.
Take, for Instance the Video of Ice Cube praising Donald J Trump Sr’s Characteristics. 1) Trump is “rich.” Would Trump have been rich if he had not inherited Wealth handed down from his Father’s Parents, the Germans? Trump is not self-made. He is a Parasite. Ice Cube is rich, and he is self-made. He is more “American” coming from Generations of Slaves, older than the “American” Republic than majority of the MAGA Madness can ever be, including second born, only second Generation born American Donald J Trump Sr yet this Buffoon accepts Trump, by Implication, as more “American” than he is. For Goodness Sake, Trump’s Family is not Part of the pioneering of the “American Republic,” Ice Cube. Your Slave Ancestors were. Remember that African Slavery was before the UK Colonies of America which pooled together to become the ‘United States of America’? Do you ‘fucked Brain’© African-Americans backing Trump, who dismisses your “Americanness,” even understand this not to talk of asking you to remember it? Why would African-Americans be overwhelmed by Trump in the first Place? Trump is “white,” and that is why. For Ice Cube to admire Donald J Trump Sr’s given on a Platter Wealth instead of own hard earned Wealth does not demonstrate Intelligence. Someone needs to tap him awake from his ‘Slumber of Admiration’© for the Master he betters in Accomplishment, at least in this Respect.
2) Trump is “powerful.” How does Ice Cube define Power? In the classic Definition of ‘Power’ in Political Science, Power is fungible. However, this erroneous Understanding of Power has met with “Countertheories” from the Word ‘go’ including mine in dan Iyan, I.P., The New World Order: 1986-1999: The Behavior of the United States within United Nations Security Council Responses to Global Conflicts, University of Aberdeen, 2002. It is Online, published by the University. Ice Cube should read it, but must understand it. If Donald J Trump Sr has Power in Ice Cube’s ‘hallucinatory Grasp’© he, and Father, Fred Trump, would not have been hauled before the ‘US District Court for the Eastern District of New York’ by the Department of Justice (DoJ) in 1973 for Civil Rights Breaches (racial Discrimination) in Housing. Trump and Father lost the Case in 1975 “with a consent decree.” No matter how the Donny has spun it, the incorrigible Liar that he is, he admitted that he and Daddy compromised. The “powerful,” Ice Cube, do(es) not concede. The Truth of the Matter, really, is ‘infantile Adult’© Donald J Trump Sr, and Daddy Fred got quite bruised Noses from the DoJ. Is this your Understanding of “powerful,” Ice Cube? Decades later, Donald J Trump Sr, after being voted into the Presidency of the US by largely Illiterate as well as unintelligent Electorate, was again exposed in the Courts for the financial Fraud, inter alia, that he is. This still your Idea of “powerful,” Ice Cube? A Man whose Wings are continually cut to Size is “powerful?” Wow.
3) Trump “do[es] what he wanna do.” Again, this is not Commentary from an African-American proud of his Identity when Part of Trump’s “do[ing] what he wanna do” is to actively racially discriminate against Ice Cube’s fellow African-Americans. Why do we make these Idiots rich by buying their Music which ‘opportinises’/’opportunizes’’© on our collective Misery as Descendants of the ‘racial Slavery’©, and ‘racial Colonization’© of Africans only for them to talk Hogwash in Support of one of those who trample upon us? Please, refer here to the DoJ Case I mentioned above. Further, Trump is ‘Fraudster abominable’©. Aspects of what we came to know about him included his Submissions of Tax Returns on depressed Earnings (Losses), but for the same Tax reporting Periods raising Bank Loans on inflated and untrue Profits. Who, in their right Minds celebrate Fraudsters? Besides, Trump’s Ventures were mostly failed Projects.
4) Trump “say[s] what he wanna say.” We know that Donald J Trump Sr is a ‘perennial Liar’©, and this is what Ice Cube admires? Pathetic.
5) Trump is “be how you wanna be.” Donald J Trump Sr rejected the Outcome of the 2020 US presidential Election on deliberate Lies. He obstructed the peaceful Transfer of Government to the incoming Joe Biden Administration. Trump incited an Insurrection against the State in arrogant Dismissal of the US Constitution. When I say “arrogant,” I mean the inconsequential believing it is consequential. On top of everything, Trump betrayed his Supporters on 6 January 2021. He assured them he was going to be with them on that Day, but he deserted them. A born Coward; just as he dodged the Draft, yet would denigrate his moral Superiors who went into the Military and fought Wars for “the American Way of Life” so that this nasty Piece of Garbage Donald J Trump could continue to live a most luxurious Life he was not willing to sacrifice for. It says a lot about Ice Cube in appreciating this Venom, Trump.
Most enlightening is the Revelation that despite his Advantages in Life; (i) third generational Wealth, and (ii) paid Impostor to sit his Exams into College (University), Donald J Trump Sr can only boast of a mediocre (ordinary) University Degree. There are Persons with no Advantages of, and in, Life as he, who possess the summa cum laude, the magna cum laude or even the plain cum laude. So, it is this Dimwit, and despicable Excuse for a Human Being that Ice Cube “aspires to be” because he “appeals to” him. Well, these say a lot about who and what Ice Cube really is. Do they not?
It is ordinarily perplexing how any Human Being, not to talk of any decent Homosapiens, can like Donald J Trump Sr. He is an Abomination to Humanity. When you think properly about it, though, you remember that our Dislikes and Likes mirror us. “The good” enjoy each other’s company. “They bad” plan Viciousness together. “The ugly” tolerate one another. The Abominables close ranks, and it is why Trump Sr has Support; ‘Abominables Inc’©
Ipemndoh dan Iyan PhM©
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21 October/2 November
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