If the Military are genuinely loyal to the Flag

Ipemndih dan Iyan PhM 

Western Polities are not Democracies: they are “electoral Politics”

‘White’ Folks insist Democracy emerged in ancient Greece in the City State of Athens. History rebuts this Lie that nevertheless has  psychologically become “unconscious falsehood.” It is morally ‘self-glorifying rhetoric’© for ‘white’ Revisionists, and those from ‘white’ ex-Colonies who are totally absorbed into the Masters’ dishonest Self-Applause. They have been absolutely swallowed by the Masters’ Indoctrination of ‘hear, read, no questioning, be overwhelmed, regurgitate, and propagate’© However, those of us like me – racially African, but more culturally Western – who have read Herodotus, and Plutarch, and understood as well as understand what we have read, recognize quite well this disattribution of Democracy. Note: I have used “culturally” in recognizing ‘Culture’ as the Entirety of social Organization; Economics, Lifestyles, Politics, Religion, and Traditions. It is noteworthy that the Segmentations I have made here of “social Organization” are mutually inclusive in the Sense that you can argue them as Extensions of one another.

‘Solon’ who is agreed to have initiated “Demokratia,” today anglicized to “Democracy,” in Athens sojourned in Kmt (transliterated to ‘Egypt’) pre and post his Reforms, and we know in chronological Fact that Grecians retrospectively named the Governance Principles Solon observed in Kmt, appropriated, but interpreted erroneously in Athens. Solon was even accused of being a Tyrant with his Reforms yet there was nothing autocratic about the administrative Principles, and Practices Solon witnessed in Kmt. I will not go further here into the Western false Ownership of Democracy, as I am writing a Book on the Matter. Yeah, I admit; it is taking me Ages albeit I have been writing piecemeal on it since the early to mid 1990s. What the Greeks came to describe as “Demokratia” post purloining it from Africans was Practice that emerged into Philosophy in the African Eras of the ‘Warrior Monarchy’© which we can today usefully call the ‘Military Monarchy’©. There was nothing in the ‘Warrior Monarchy’ like the Dichotomy we encounter in electoral Politics of “the People” versus the “general will.” It is, thus, absolute Tosh, the Western Propagandum (singular to Propaganda) that the Military either are not meant to govern or cannot manage Society efficaciously. It is evident Rhetoric to perpetuate the same Civilians in never-ending Rotation of Control over “the People.” Take the United States of America (US(A)), for example; their Origins are steeped in Military Foundation; from revolting against UK Colonialism to the Composition of Delegates to the Conventions (“Congress[es]” they called them) for the framing of the Constitution – that formed their Confederation – and the immediate Presidencies (and perhaps also Congresses and the Judiciaries).  Note: I disagree that the USA are a ‘Federation’. They are politically a ‘Confederation’. This is the same Idiocy in calling a Washington DC ‘Representative’, “Congressman” or “Congresswoman” whereas the Washington DC Senator is also a Washington DC Congressperson. We have the same Balderdash in the UK in calling a Member of the House of Commons, “Member of Parliament” (MP) when a Member of the House of Lords is equally an MP, as UK Parliament is bi-cameral.

In ‘Discourse on Inequality’ (1755), Jean Jacques Rousseau talked of “the People,”  and you get the Impression that his “the People” is meant to be the whole of Society.  Again in 1762  (The Social Contract) he discussed “the People,” but he did not see “the People,” this whole, as the Determinant for Government. I agree. In this latter Exposition, Rousseau focussed Attention on “the general will” as Causation of Governance Options. I am of same Mind:

... a man can have a particular will that doesn’t fit, and even conflicts with, the general will that he has as a citizen ... To protect the social compact ... silently includes the undertaking that anyone who refuses to obey the general will is to be compelled to do so by the whole body ...

Insisting that electoral Politics are “Democracy” does not detract from their accurate Measure as “competitive leadership” Antagonisms, Joseph Alois Schumpeter observed them to be in 1942 (Capitalism, Socialism & Democracy). Just look at what has been going on with US Politics with US Republicans not in the least shameful about their Faithlessness to “the People,” their Pollution of the Floors and Processes of Congress with naked Protection of criminal Conduct, and other Forms of Dishonesty committed by themselves, and blatant Obstruction of due Processes. Then you have the most corrupt highest Supreme Court dominated by Republican Judges making Decisions primarily on Partisan Politics, and embarked on worsening Misrepresentations of the ‘irresolute Constitution’© the US Constitution is. However, the seeming Irresolution is deceptive. It is intentionally wishy-washy to open it to Misinterpretations by the “Powers that be” at the highest Supreme Court, and the Pursuit by the Majority Benches to achieve Party Objectives. For Goodness Sake, how can a Felon be eligible to contest political Office even if the Conviction is spent? Convictions in the US Jurisdiction are never spent. Donald J Trump Sr is a Felon awaiting sentencing yet he was allowed to compete for the US Presidency, and is now President-Elect. Where is the “Common Good” or “Public Good” in the Subject of criminal Investigations being able to dismiss or interfere with those Proceedings because s/he is the President? Again Donald J Trump Sr springs to Mind. Are y’all really that ‘proto-Homosapiens’©/’proto-Human’© (my Identification of not-quite Human cognitively) that you are not able to see the “wood for the trees” that you have ensconced yourselves in the Delusions of Democracy? Donald J Trump Sr, the Accused, can now pardon himself although there is no such Provision in the Constitution, but you can trust the crooked Republican Majority at the Supreme Court to create that Provision. Trump can also dismiss Allegations against him by appointing a bent Attorney–General to throw them out. How on Earth can anyone believe it makes Sense that an Accused or an Indicted has Power to emasculate all evident criminal Activities? Seriously? It is simply nauseating.

The ‘Warrior Monarchy’© retrospectively ‘Military Monarchy’©

Modern Military Governments in Africa have tended to demonstrate Aspects of Africa’s Democracy during the ‘Warrior Monarchy’ Eras. They have failed to apply all Aspects for obvious Reasons. One; where they have acted similarly to the ‘Warrior Monarchy’, it is perhaps instinctual rather than studied Understanding of Africa’s Governance prior to European Imperialism. Two; they were/are always bludgeoned by relentless Demands from Africa’s ‘Western Value-colonized Elite’© to adopt Western electoral Politics as the only Form for choosing Governments in the mistaken Belief that these represent Democracy. How on Earth does voting for a Government equate to “good governance?” Electing Governments is just what it is: ‘this is the Party or Persons I desire to rule over me for the Proposals made because I believe they are okay.” Some would not even vote for ‘normative Tangibles’© but for Sentiments like “white Supremacy,” “the Woman’s Place is in the Kitchen,” and such Nonsense from ‘undernourished Cognition’©. How is an Election Victory predicated on such Crudeness equate with ‘no one in my Society lacks for Food, good Health, satisfactory Levels of Education, adequate housing, Freedom of Choice, Freedom from governmental Prohibitions, Freedom from Harassment by the Police, Equality of All before the Law, et cetera’? How is an Election Victory predicated on such Crudeness equate to ‘no one in my Society lacks for Food, good Healthcare, satisfactory Levels of Education, adequate housing, Freedom of Choice, Freedom from governmental Prohibitions, Freedom from Harassment by the Police, Equality of All before the Law, et cetera’? Those who studied Politics at University Level would wrestle with these Considerations in evaluating “Liberal Democracy,” “procedural Democracy,” and “substantive Democracy.” Three; Military Governments were/are not motivated by the “common good,” but by Avarice just as the Spews of electoral Politics.


The Manufacture of omnipotent Government: the Constitution of the United States

The confederal Government of the US comprises the three Arms of the (1) bicameral Congress of (i) Senate, and (ii) House of Representatives, (2) Presidency that is also called “Executive,” and (3) Judiciary. The Congress is the Legislature, that is, the Lawmaking Body. The Senate is the upper Chamber. The Presidency is administrative, essentially. The Judiciary interprets Legislation. This Composition of the confederal Government is reflected in the States of the Union aka US although not all the States call their lower Chambers ‘House of Representatives’. Unicameral Nebraska  is the Exception to bicameral US Polity.

There is the Sophistry that we hear a lot from ‘academic Flatulents’© about the ‘supposed Robustness’© of the US Constitution. They even proclaim it with Smirks on their Faces as if it is their personal Ingenuity. This is the Nonsense that the ‘invalid Constitution’© ensures the “Separation of Powers” between the three Arms of Government thus ensuring “Checks and Balances” between the three. I can devise a better Instrument to guarantee “Checks and Balances” in Government. Certainly, there is “Separation of Powers” between the three for only an Idiot would not recognize, ordinarily, that each Arm of Government has own Responsibility. The Imperative as Question is; does this “Separation of Powers” necessarily equate to “Checks and Balances?” To assume that it does, relies on ‘simplistic Anticipation’©, Idiocy actually, that the same political Party would not capture Majorities in Congress and the Presidency simultaneously. The Elections of 2024 put paid to the Wishfulness that no one Party would sweep both Chambers of Congress together with the Presidency (at the same time). The Results of these 2024 Elections also irrationalised the Glorification of the US Constitution. A single political Party, the ‘Republican Party’, won direct Control of two Arms of Government of (i) Presidency (Administrator/Executive), and (ii) Legislature (Congress) through Elections, and in-Charge of the third, the Judiciary, by Virtue of Ownership of the Executive, and Congress. These Scenarios approximate to Rousseau’s, op.cit., “ungoverned government.” I have been listening to Commentators daydreaming that Goodwill must prevail to ascertain their collapsed Pipedream of “Checks and Balances.” They are very foolish in refusing to learn from the Benefit of Hindsight. Donald J Trump Sr is the President-Elect and will be inaugurated as President all Things being well. He is an ‘infantile Adult’© with absolutely no Morality. He controlled the Republican Congress when he was not President. Did he not torpedo the bi-partisan Solution about illegal Immigration through the Borders by ordering Republican Congresspersons not to approve what they had agreed with Democratic Congresspersons? What do you think will happen when he assumes the Presidency in View of his issuing Diktats even before he became President-Elect?

The Constitution of the US came into Effect on 9 March 1789, but was not fully ratified by all early States until 29 May 1790. These Dates are very important to note to fully understand that the US Constitution was basically an Instrument for and of the Perpetuation of Oligarchies in Government. The US “Body Politic,” including its Academia, and Media, is busy deceiving itself, but deluded it is fooling the Intellectuals of our World by glorifying the Formulators of the US Constitution as “founding Fathers.” Those Men did not establish Governance of Equality and/or Fairness with their farcical Instrument of Governance. It is noteworthy to mention here that ‘TIME’, a prestigious United States of America News Magazine – superior for and to the Minds of those voting Today’s Republican Party – and weekly at the time, in an Edition of September or October 1987 or September or October 1988 – I cannot say exactly as I am recalling from Memory – did not consider the Constitution of the United States of America a best Constitution. The “Framers” of the Constitution propagated the Preservation of Cliques in Governance. The Constitution fully ratified in 1790 was the Manufacture of the Dominance of “exclusionary Closure.” While Frank Parkin in 1979 (Marxism and Class Theory: A Bourgeois Critique) originated the Theory of “exclusionary Closure,” I, Ipemndoh dan Iyan, is the One applying the Logic to the US Constitution from Breath in 1790 to the present.

To intelligently understand my Contention with the US Constitution is to think through what the early Amendments of I to X (1-10) of 15 December 1791 suggest was the Case before the Constitution, and the consequent Amendments. These Amendments made up the “Bill of Rights.” What are these Amendments? Irrelevant Question, really. The Amendments in 1791 were only for “Person[s].” The Native American was not a Person, and certainly not the African Slaves. The former was “a Savage,” and the latter “Property.” Nevertheless, the Amendments did not change for the so-called Persons the Institution of Oligarchies in Government. On Paper, Amendments XIII (13th Amendment) ratified on 6 December 1865 invalidated the Slavery of Africans. It was not an altruistic Gesture, but purely commercial. It was the Follow-Up to President Abraham Lincoln’s Proclamation of 1 January 1863, that was really Ruse to swell up the Ranks of the Union Military during the “American Civil War” that started 12 April 1861, and ended on 26 May 1865. By the Way, there was no such Thing as “Emancipation Proclamation.” That Description came from a Person or Persons intent on Disinformation. That Person has, or those Persons have, succeeded in manipulating the Minds of Idiots. Only Idiots whether ignorant or plain stupid accept there is such an Emanation from Lincoln as “Emancipation Proclamation.” Abraham Lincoln never deployed the Term “Emancipation,” and the most foolish of Fools would recognize that Lincoln’s Proclamation was a Union War Tactic against the Confederate Forces. The Intention of the Proclamation was to encourage Slave Revolt and Escape of Slaves from the seceding States thus weakening their War Efforts. The Proclamation freed the Slaves of Confederate States, but not of the Union States. How was that for “Emancipation?”  

Now, Amendment XIV (14th Amendment) of 9 July 1868, in superficie, is the real Meat. It would place substantial Limitation on the Manufacture of enduring oligarchic Governments. It would be the only Legislation that could disrupt the Continuation of the same Persons in the Dominance of exclusionary Closure by placing certain Conditions on continuing Membership:

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

In Reality Amendment XIV, Section 3 is most wasted Ink, and unnecessary crowding of the Constitution, as any reasonable Reading of US Supreme Court 601 U.S _ (2024) (Donald J. Trump v. Norma Anderson, et al of 4 March 2024) exposed. Section 3, per se, is self-limiting although the Supreme Court Per Curiam did not address this Self-Obstruction, but the Relevance of Section 5 in the Activation of Section 3. Section 3 tells that “two-thirds” of Congress can nullify its Deployment. Thus, from historical Compositions of US Congresses perennially functioning on Partisan Politics rather than for the “Common Good” of ‘the People’, Section 3 is forever toothless. Section 5 of the same Amendment within which is Section 3 annuls Section 3 anyway, de jure, by Procedure for the same Reason of Partisan Politics: “The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.”  This is what Supreme Court Per Curiam 601 U.S _ (2024)  relied upon, and I agree.

 Amendment XXII (22nd Amendment) of 27 February 1951 actually does make a substantial Change in the Dominance of exclusionary Closure by curtailing to two Terms of four Years each the Tenure of the President and Vice President. This is some Relief from the ‘periodic eternally cyclical Confirmation’© of the Dominance of exclusionary Closure they call “Election,” that sustains their Positions for Life unless they die or are defeated in Elections. The “Election” is really a Sleight of Hand against ‘the People’ to make the said believe they have some Choice in who governs them ergo on how they are governed.

The US Military is all Bark, but no Bite

Weeks (or Months) before the 2024 US general Elections for the confederal Congress, and the Presidency thus attendantly for the Texture of the confederal Judiciary including the Appellate Courts, (and Governorships), many Military top Brass, especially the Army’s, came out to warn of Donald J Trump Sr’s probable Misuse of the Military for personal Aggrandizement, but camouflaging with the Presidency. These Generals boasted the Assurance that the Military will not allow themselves to be used as personal Weapons by an incumbent President, and will operate only within the Expectations of the Constitution. I call it Boast because these Officers never told us what the Military would do if Trump pushed them that far. It was clear the Military were not rooting for Trump and were telling “the People” to reject this Ogre who is additionally a Felon. However, “the general will” that emerged called the Generals’ Bluff, and also rebuffed the Generals’ Warnings about Donald J Trump Sr. This Will mandated Trump and the entire ghastly Republican Party. The Reality now is that Donald J Trump Sr has been empowered by “the general will” to shred the ‘incompetent Constitution’©. So, what is the Military going to do? The US is now at an Impasse; “the general will” of largely low Cognition, and semi-literate Voters versus the State (Territorial State). By “State,” I mean “a geographical socio-political entity [with] a population of human beings with political rights and cultural practices confined within geographical boundaries.” (See dan Iyan., The New World Order ... Global Conflicts, 2002, University of Aberdeen). ‘Government’ is not a Substitute Name for the ‘State’, an Error Academics in political Studies regularly commit. Rather, ‘Government’ is the administrative Unit of the ‘State’. Notwithstanding that “Government exercises oversight functions over the socio-political activities of the population, it is only an aspect of the state ... .” See again dan Iyan, op.cit.

Western Thinkers would make you believe the “Flag,” is representative of “the People,” and in US Allegiance Practice, and Talk, “the Flag” is interchanged with “the Constitution.” This is clearly Nonsense because it is philosophically anomalous. The “Flag” is the “symbolic Representation” of a Country, nothing more, nothing less, whatever the Sentiments wrapped around it by the Citizens of a Country. The Flag is simply the ‘Announcement of territorial Presence’©, the ‘Emblem of a State’© in the World Community. The “Constitution” is an ‘Instrument of Governance’© containing the Rules on how an Entity is managed. It spells out, explicitly and implicitly, what should happen with, and within the Entity. Capisci? So, let me be charitable to those who do not know what they should say instead of using “Flag,” and “Constitution,” and incorrectly, anyway. The right Expression is “the People.”  

There is no Condition in the US Constitution, as lacklustre (lackluster) as it is, forbidding  Military Coups. In fact, the Constitution gives tacit Support. Ordinarily, if any Military is genuinely loyal to the ‘symbolic Flag’© representing “the People” through the Constitution no Constitution should stop it from taking Control of Government from a Despot elected into Office when especially the most corrupt Supreme Court of the Land had distorted that same Constitution. This is where African Militaries, and some other non-Western Militaries are superior in Morality to Western Militaries. They take Charge when elected Governments are perceived to be wronging “the People.” You see, African Militaries are accountable to “the People” not to the inanimate Object, the “Flag” or the Constitution formulated for perpetual oligarchic Control of the State.

The Encouragement in the US Constitution for and to those committed to the “Common Good” is enshrined in the Introduction to that Constitution by Implication.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

This Introduction to the US Constitution identifies certain Essentials to the US Territorial-State, among which are; (1) “perfect union,” (2) “justice,” and (3) “domestic tranquillity.” The Presidency of Donald J Trump Sr threatened, and (still) puts at risk these Essentials. If the US Military are as brilliant as ‘Propaganda acclaimed’©, and ‘Alliance glorified’©, it should not be difficult for them to plan and execute a successful toppling of a deranged Emperor without Clothes, such as Donald J Trump Sr, and counter the Madness of the low Cognition and formally-uneducated Mob that elected him. It is not even certain he was duly elected. We know of the rigging Tactics such as Elon Musk’s duplicitous Antics, including the Deployment of his ‘Starlink’, the Disposal of Kalama Harris’ Votes by Vote Counters desperate for Trump to win, the Bomb Scares at Locations known to be Democratic Party Strongholds, and most damaging, and quite debunking of US ‘pretentious Democracy’© the Exclusion of likely Democratic Party ‘black’ Voters by Republican Party controlled State Legislatures through Misfeasance. I bet pitiful Nigerian Atiku Abubakar cannot and could not think of such Things, pre and anticipatory of the 2024 Elections to restrict his gushing and bootlicking Congratulations to Trump. One simply has to wonder why he needed to wish Donald J Trump Sr well; a Man who does not even see him as Human. Did Abubakar tender the Compliments in his alternative Reality that he is the President of Nigeria? A ba. You are still a N****r to him, Mister no matter how wealthy you are. This is shameless you, Atiku Abubakar, kow-towing to a Felon. Is this the best Nigeria can produce; a Felon President, and a desperate wannabe President singing high Praises if a Felon? Na wa o. Trump and Cohort are already threatening “Civil War” on “the People” if Trump the Felon is sentenced to Imprisonment for the Crimes he is already convicted for. Yet, this is the Abomination Atiku Abubakar celebrated, and Abubakar wants to be Nigeria’s President? Importantly, what are the US Military going to do about Donald Trump Sr’s “existential threat” to the “American Republic?” Would they remain the Bark, but no Bite?

Even if Donald J Trump Sr won the 2024 Presidency “fair and square,” President John Adams, the second POTUS 1797 – 1802, was well aware of such Degradation of Society that elected Trump when he warned that “... the multitude give birth to tyranny.” We know what this “multitude” comprised mostly; “white Supremacists” not embarrassed by their low Cognition emphasized by Dearth of formal Education. They are not even successfully self-employed. Well, then, are Education and successful ‘self-Entrepreneurship’© – not handed down Entrepreneurship as gifted to Donald J Trump Sr by Grandparents – not Western Benchmarks for ‘Intelligence’? Adams was echoed by President James Madison, the fourth POTUS 1809-1817, when he wrote of “the superior force of an interested and overbearing majority.” Madison was a Visionary. His many Thoughts on Governance, including on the Insufficiency of the Constitution and such Abuse of Government as witnessed with Trump and his Puppet confederal Supreme Court, were well expressed in his Writings for the ‘Federalist’. Adams, and Madison, and such like them, exemplify Integrity and deep Intellect, and the Persona of a President of the United States unlike the ‘Trash Can Personality’© of Donald J Trump Sr. Madison would surely feel nauseated if he were alive today to behold that the Republican Party he founded is today not for the “public good” – “public good” were his Words – of “the People,” but for the Self Aggrandizement of Persons who have perfected Untruthfulness as the Ultimate Form of Suggestibility, and can contrive only the least intelligent in Society as Support Base. Note: I have decided the Descriptions ‘Propaganda acclaimed’, and ‘Alliance glorified’ to identify the US Military as I do not have any Evidence of these Military winning any Battle without the Use of atomic Bombs or Military Coalitions or outside of engaging “targets of Convenience” (Williams 1989). These Military have never won a War it prosecuted on its own.


Only the ‘approving Electorate’© of Donald J Trump Sr, and Disgrace to the African Race, like “black MAGA,” and non-“Americans” like Atiku Abubakar would not recognize that the Election 2024 of the Donny as President of the US confirmed the US as worse than backwater Jurisdiction, and the absolute Jungle Republic. Africans should relegate to Nonentities Africans who celebrate ‘white’  backward Processes just because they are ‘white’ Processes, and that ‘whites’ enslaved and colonised Africans. Such Africans, and they include African-Americans, ‘European Africans’©, ‘Asian Africans’© and ‘Oriental Africans’©, are our ‘left behind in Human cognitive Evolution’©

Ipemndoh dan Iyan PhM©


All Rights 2024

20 November  



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