#EndSARS: but the Crux is Civilian Government in Nigeria and its Security Apparatuses

@Change @AIT_Online @ARISEtv @channelstv @MBuhari @ProfOsinbajo @nassnigeria #MohammedAdamu-@PoliceNG @BBC @CNN and all you beautiful young People I am unable to mention here. Your Visibility in fighting Oppression and your knowing that you were there at the #EndSARS Demonstrations are your Gifts to ‘Nigeria’. These are your Legacies to the World.

Police Brutality 

Let us be clear about Police Brutality. Policing has two Broad Sides to it. (1) The Concept, and (2) Implementation of the Concept. Implementation of the Concept itself has two Parts to it. There is (i) the Management Part and there is (ii) the Operationalization (operational) Part. Within normative Logic, the policing Concept is laudable. While Government manages Social Organisation (Organization), policing supervises Social Relations. However, no Concept can activate itself. It needs Human deliberate Efforts – mental and physical – to do this. Even in Today's Age of Technology in which Concepts can come alive through the Processes of Machinery, i.e., Computerization and Robotics, it still takes the Human Mind to put the Machinery to work. This Fact that the policing Concept is implemented by Human Beings, is its very Fallibility. A Body of Human Beings will contain the many Forms of the Human Psyche; bad, good and whatever. So, when we talk of Police Brutality, we are talking about ‘Rogue Elements' in the operational Part of policing Implementation and the Refusal of Government  to check the occurring Excesses whether or not these represent Government's unstated Agendum. Whether Rogues are in the Many or are few is not the moral Question but the Fact that they are rogue to the Principle concerned.

Police Brutality in Nigeria

Police Brutality is not restricted to Nigeria. We might find it in Police Forces all over the World, perhaps without Exemption I do not know. I do know, though, that there is Police Brutality on the Street and that there is Police Brutality in Custody in the Cell. In some Jurisdictions, it is possible to encounter both or be Victim to only the Brutality of the Cells. However, in Nigeria, Police Brutality is comparable in Practice to what we know about the United States of America (USA/US). Even then, it can still be contrasted. Whereas Police Brutality in the USA is predicated essentially on predatory 'white' Police Officers (Cops) targeting non-'white' Civilians, particularly the young, it is not the same in Nigeria.  I will find as absolute Gibberish any Talk of Police Brutality in Nigeria as influenced by nationalist Antagonisms. The Nigerian Situation appears to be combination of (i) inherent Hooliganism (ii) protected by the Police Warrant – whether in Uniform or not – and (iii) empowered by the Gun. 

You might have wondered about my use of ‘nationalist’ above. Please, let me explain. What is commonly referred to in Nigeria, and by those writing on Nigeria, as ‘ethnic’ is based on the Presumption of Nigeria as a 'Nation'. Nigeria is not a Nation. It is a Country. It is a Territorial-State comprising many Nations. I define Nation as Belongingness to Group Identity founded on common cultural History, and shared Genealogy. My ethnic is Group Differentiations within National Identities, i.e., the Egba vis-à-vis the Oyo within the Yoruba Nation. 

My Experience of Police Brutality on the Streets in Africa 

I am between Nigeria’s current Vice President Yemi Osinbajo @ProfOsinbajo, and immediate Former President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan @GEJonathan in Age. I have spent Time in Five (5) African Countries. 

Niger: 1977 or 1978 – I observed two Types of Police Officers, if I can recollect reasonably these many Years back. One was the Gendarmerie in Khaki Fatigues. The other wore sky-blue Shirt and grey Trousers which I presumed to be normal Police Service. Anyway, I understood French non, so I might have misled myself with my Understanding of which was which. The Gendarmerie were all over the Place at different Checkpoints en route the Sahara Desert. The sky-blue Shirt and grey Trousers were at the Border with North Africa together with the Gendarmerie. At all Times, both Uniforms carried Pistols holstered in Belts on their Waists. 

On arrival at the Niger Border with Algeria or Libya – I can no longer remember which – I was taken to the Border Commandant on Examination of my Passport. He was in Khaki Fatigues seated at the Desk in the Office. In halting English, he explained to me that he could not let me through. He was worried about possible “international problem” if I were exposed to Harm once I crossed over into North Africa. He felt I could fall Victim to Human Trafficking. He said something about my Looks, my Age and especially that my Nigerian Passport read ‘Journalist’. 

I had assured him that I was not working as a Journalist and that I was simply traversing the Sahara to get to Spain. I was just being adventurous. The Commandant confirmed the valid Spanish Visa on my Passport and that I had Funds on me but insisted he could not take the Risk of an “international problem.“ He then sent me back to inner Niger and tasked the Driver of a Passenger Bus to ensure I did not get off until we got to a particular Location. I cannot recall where. 

At the Border, I realized I was not the only African with the Desire to experience the Sahara Desert. I spoke with some travelling from Europe through the Sahara into the Rest of Africa, but hey, they had their Cars and were in Groups of different Races, and much older. I was journeying alone, on Passenger Buses and Goods’ Trailers. Might be, I thought, the Commandant had a Point. I stayed where the Driver let me get off for about two Days or so then I was on the Move again. Before I took off, I asked around how I could get to another Border with North Africa. So, I set out having convinced myself that I was going to a different Border with North Africa. Do not forget that I did not understand French. I also could not speak Fulani or Hausa. 

To my Surprise, I arrived at the same Border and re-engaged with the same Commandant. To all Intents and Purposes, I was trying Police Patience. You know better from my Explanation above that I had wished not to be at the same Border Point but did he know that? Of course, he did not.  Did he then order my Beating? Did he instruct my Arrest? Was I talked to harshly? Did anyone threaten me with the Gun, or worse, shoot at me? No. He gently reiterated the Risk to me of crossing the Border into North Africa but this Time warned that he would detain me when again he saw me at the Border. I got the Message. Besides, it had become exhausting for me and I had run out of Money, practically. 

I was so daring, when young. I was running out of Money but still wanted to reach Spain. Well, I had Friends there. The Commandant sent me back, this Time, to Zinder, close to Kongolan at the Border with Nigeria near Daura. My Consolation was that I had lived in the Sahara – living and journeying through it – for Two (2) Weeks. It was educational. I had been in the Sahara, damn hot in the Day, and very cold at Night. I had seen Africans still living, perhaps in 18th/19th Centuries. I loved that; the Lifestyle unpolluted by westernization. I was happy I could see my Past prior to Colonization but sad I was unable to see further into my Past in North Africa.

Nigeria – Lagos: (1) 1980 or 1981 – I was almost shot by a normal Nigerian Police Officer carrying a Mark IV Rifle (or whatever it was). You know how long that Rifle is? The Act of bringing up that long Rifle to point it at Someone could only have come from wilful Evil Intent, not Spontaneity.

(2) Lagos: (2) 1980 or 1981 – My Girlfriend and I were beaten up with Rawhide Whips ‘Without Just Cause’ by Anti-Riot (Mobile) Units. We were then taken in Vehicles to Panti Police Station in Yaba/Ebute Metta and detained overnight. Our Crime was to have been at the ‘Suya Spot' Open Air Night Club in Ojuelegba in Surulere, the Nigerian Police Force (NPF) decided to raid that Night. We were amongst, perhaps, Scores of Others. 

My Girlfriend and I were let go the following Morning further to my speaking with the Police Commissioner (or was it Assistant Commissioner?) After just talking to me, without even confirming my Identity or Identification, he ordered our Release. My Girlfriend and I were both working for the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) at the Time. I had a Work Identity Card on me which I always carried in my Wallet but he did not even ask to see it. Talking to me was sufficient for him. If it took a Nigerian Commissioner of Police (or Assistant) to reason, then you can understand the precarious State of policing in Nigeria at the Time. 

(3) Warri: 1982 – I was slapped by an Anti-Riot Police Officer well below my Age, ‘Without Cause’. He had asked me a Question I had no answer to and the ill-bred Shame to Society decided the Gun and the Uniform gave him the Authority to hit me. I moved instinctively towards him after the Slap but he quickly swung his Sub-Machine Gun from his Shoulder to shoot. That stopped me. I could not get his Name because he had covered it up, against Regulations, with his issued Jacket. How did I really offend the Hooligan in Uniform with Government-issued Weapon to kill who slapped me?  Was it my Hair in Jerry-Curls or my Polyester Shirt that he probably mistook for Satin/Silk or my two-tone lace-up Shoes or that I smelt so nice(ly) of Fragrance, none of which he could afford? 

Nigeria’s Police Officers, in the Main, were as cowardly, and most probably still are, as this Thug in Uniform. The Gun is their Confidence, and the Warrant the Basis of their Insolence. When they were beating me the other Time at the Night Club, I moved towards them too and they ran. True. All Six of them who were beating me at the same Time. I remember very well those Apologies for Human Beings doing to me Things my Parents would not do to me at that Age of mine. They came with their customary Sub-Machine Guns, all right. They were probably under Order not to shoot otherwise it would not be me writing this Narrative. 

I had succumbed to entering their Vehicle because of my Girlfriend. She paid no Attention to my asking her not to get in their Vehicle and refused to climb down when it was clear the Police Thugs were letting me be. She was too frightened. What could I have done? I could not just abandon her. One Man made no Movement towards those Area Boys in Mobile Police Uniform despite the ferocious beating but also refused to get in their Vehicle. They left him alone too. We found out later that he was a big Shot at the Nigeria Ports Authority (NPA). One could only imagine the huge Wahala those Police Officer Gangsters got themselves into. 

(4) Lagos: 2005 – I almost got shot once, and was harassed every Day I went out. Was this because of my interesting Tops and the slightly thick gold Choker-Necklace at first Glance, and the gold Bracelet, gold Rings, and my nice Smells once ordered out of Vehicles? You saw them look at me from Top to Bottom plus my being in a Taxi – I knew no one to volunteer one of their Cars and/or Drivers – and you had seen in their Eyes the Desire to kill. My 2005 Experience has made me so afraid of the NPF, and by Extension that Country’s entire Security Apparatuses, that I am too frightened to visit again. 

Ghana: Accra 2017 – the Officers on the Street, even to the Rank of Inspector, were enviably polite. When I went into a Sub-Station to seek Information, the Officer at the Counter started greeting me as I stepped in the Door as if I were his Father. He was so respectful. I must say, though, that I came across a CID Fella who left me in no doubt that he was quite corrupt. However, I cannot allow him taint my complimentary Impression of Ghanaian Police. 

The same Courtesy you get from Police Officers, you receive also from Military Personnel. I asked Three heavily armed Soldiers patrolling on Oxford Street, Accra, why they were thus geared up. They patiently explained to me. I once asked a Nigerian Constable of Senior Rank in 2005 what Rank the Epaulets on his Shoulders meant not knowing I had asked for Trouble. He was so hostile, demanding why I wanted to know. Was he not just stupid in his Power Intoxication? My Reason for wishing to know was implied in the Question itself. Was it not? He was a young man too, pity

Senegal: Dakar, Gorée Island 2018 – The only Encounter with Police I recall was at Gorée Island awaiting the Ferry to take us back to Dakar. A Fight had broken out because of the Disorganisation in the Ferry Service. I can faintly recollect an Officer removing his Pistol from the Holster and giving it to a Colleague before approaching our Crowd. The Officers molested nobody, not even the Fighters. They did not even make an Arrest. They listened to the Belligerents and placated them. 

The Gambia: Kololi 2019 – almost every Day, I passed the Military or the Police on my Way into Town or in Town or on my Way to the Beach. Not once was I interfered with or saw any other Person bothered by them. I went to Two Soldiers on Patrol to ask why they were on the Street. Their Interest in me did not go beyond responding to my Inquiry. Imagine me in similar Situation in Nigeria.  

On my Way to the Beach every Day, sometimes to eat at one of the Restaurants along the Route, was this Police Officer who went out of his Way to always greet me. How is that for a Police Force sworn to protect ‘the People’? 

I was in Banjul also. 

The Situation as it now stands

There is Petition out there at https://www.change.org/p/international-criminal-court-petition-for-president-buhari-to-be-charged-before-the-icc-for-crimes-against-humanity to charge Muhammadu Buhari @MBuhari, the President of Nigeria, for Crimes against Humanity at the International Criminal Court (ICC). 

Buhari and Cohort might snigger at the Petition as futile Gesture. Well, it is not. Where successful, the Petition would, at least, make Muhammadu Buhari persona non grata outside Nigeria. Buhari will never again be able to run abroad to deposit stolen Nigerian Funds. He would face Arrest. He would dare not try exiting Nigeria, period.

This Petition is Avenue to register Condemnation of Buhari and his unjustified Murder of all young Nigerians killed by Police Bullets during routine Duties, including special Operations, and by Army Bullets at the #EndSARS series of Demonstrations across Nigeria. He must also be held culpable for any incidental Death from those Demonstrations. The Office of the President is officially accountable for any Death occasioned by the Security Agencies of the Country. As the incumbent President, Buhari is personally answerable. 

Anyone who believes Harm visited on a Human by another Human 'Without Just Cause’ is Harm that could have befallen her/him or Beloveds ought to give Backing to the Petition and urge Others to do the same. It is a global Petition. Citizens of other Countries are joining Hands with Nigerians. I am not Nigerian and I have given my Support. 

Office of the Nigerian President and the NPF

The Expert on the Politics of Nigeria will readily tell you that the Office of the President of the Country is the Commander-in-Chief of the Country’s Armed Forces. This is nothing but the presumed Understanding of the Office of the President of the US planted on the Nigerian Context. Ever wondered why this Expert never talks about the Nigerian Presidency's Relationship to the Federal Police of the Country? S/he does not know. That is why. S/he is no Expert, in the least, but a Person rehashing the commonly known but not fully understood within the Intention of either Country. In Effect, though, the Function is the same for both Countries. Our Expert is unable to think how extraordinary for the Federal Police of a Country to be beyond Control of the Chief Executive of that Country. S.215 of the 1999 Nigerian Constitution reposes in the Office of President, overall Control of the Nigerian Police, as s.218 thus empowers the Office over the Country’s Military. 

All Harassments of the Person carried out by the NPF, including by its ‘Special Armed Robbery Squad’ (SARS) and any other Arm, was and is perpetrated on behalf of the Office of the President. Similarly, any Shot fired at the Person by Police Personnel has the full Authority of the Office of the President behind it. The same Interpretation applies to all other Security Apparatuses of the Country. The Presidency can withdraw this Authority where it is reasoned to have been abused but only retrospectively. 

That Muhammadu Buhari has never questioned any Misbehaviour by SARS’ Personnel in particular and of the NPF in general makes him command answerable for those Actions unless he can prove that Operatives acted against his enabling, implicit and prospective Orders. This, he would be given the Opportunity to plead at the ICC. It is of legal Irrelevance whether Buhari gave Orders directly. In addition, any Operative who acted under the enabling, implicit and prospective Order of the President directly and/or by Relay would be personally blameworthy. This Precedent was set at the Nuremberg Trials in 1945 to 1946.

The Basic Grounds for Indictment at the ICC

1.    That retired 2-Star General of the Nigerian Army, Muhammadu Buhari, as Civilian President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria should show Cause why he should not face the Charge of irresponsible Authority over Nigerian Security Agencies, in particular, the Nigerian Police Force (NPF).

2.    That retired 2-Star General of the Nigerian Army, Muhammadu Buhari, as Civilian President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria should show Cause why he should not face the Charge of Dereliction of Duty in refusing to investigate Reports of extra-judicial Activities of Nigeria’s Security Forces, including but not limited to, Torture and Killing.

3.    That retired 2-Star General of the Nigerian Army, Muhammadu Buhari, as Civilian President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria should show Cause why he should not face the Charge of Abuse of Power in dispatching Military Forces to peaceful Demonstrations against Police Brutality, including Killing and which resulted in further Killing of unarmed Civilians. 

4.    That retired 2-Star General of the Nigerian Army, Muhammadu Buhari, as Civilian President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria should show Cause why he should not face the Charge of Negligence in not ensuring the Safety of innocent Citizens ordinarily, and of peaceful Protesters from abusive Excesses of Nigeria's Security Agencies for which he is ultimately responsible. 

5.    That retired 2-Star General of the Nigerian Army, Muhammadu Buhari, as Civilian President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria should show Cause why if convicted on any or all of the foregoing Charges of Crime against Humanity should not face Terms of Imprisonment. 

The Background for such Indictment on the Grounds stated prior

Nigeria's young People had suffered long under the atrocious Regime of Operatives of SARS who, without Exception, believed that to maintain Law and Order, the Police has to act unlawfully. It was worse that these Operatives molested the young Population for Reasons which bordered on the laughable if not for the generally fatal Results. Some of the Reasons were simply insane and evidently from Minds intoxicated by absolute Power; Reasons such as a SARS Operative in Dreadlocks harassing a Civilian for being in Dreadlocks. Young Nigerians complained through the conventional Channels but the Country’s political Oligarchy paid no heed. They just could not care less. 

Then, the young Population adopted a Process, entrenched in Electoral Politics, in emphasizing Grievances to the political Oligarchy. This Process is Mass Public Protest by Street Demonstrations. So, these young, well-articulated in Cooperation – perhaps in Harmony – embarked on this Course. They showed the World their Mettle. They coordinated without a visible Front Person. They went en masse on the Streets in different Parts of the Country. They fed themselves on the go. They hydrated themselves also yet kept the Streets clean of Litter. Their Aim was to make known widely their Complaint about being harassed, injured, maimed and killed by NPF's SARS. They were peaceful although boisterous, but they posed no Threat. They were organized. Yet, they met with another whammy. Muhammadu Buhari sent out his Army to kill them some more. 

It is, of course, arrant Nonsense in the Case of the killing in Lagos State for the Army to insist that the Governor of the State called them in. No Governor has such Authority under the 1999 Constitution. Only the President does. Any other Call To, even by the Chief of Defence Staff, is Assumed-Authority – comparable to ‘Apparent Authority’ – of the President by Delegation. Retired 2-Star Army General Muhammadu Buhari killed those Children. What was he trying to prove; that he has Resolve? Those young People were unarmed. They posed neither “a present Threat” nor “an imminent Threat.” Buhari exemplifies the typical Bully preying on the vulnerable. He had no Justification to kill Nigeria’s young People. It was plain Murder. Even one life killed by his Security Agents is one Life too many. 

Buhari’s Resolve, if he has any, ought to be directed at Boko Haram, the Islamist Terrorist Group, armed at all Times for Battle. Although ragtag, Buhari’s combined Armed Forces have been unable to take down its Combatants since he has been President. This is despite his first Term electioneering Boast of ensuring internal Security for Nigerians. He misled ‘the People’ into voting for him in the False Hope that he would defeat Boko Haram as he duped them into believing that the Grandmaster of Corruption can curb Corruption. Four years later, the Man did not deliver on either yet ‘the People’ still voted for him. I find bizarre in Electoral Politics that ‘the People’ would still cast their Ballots for Politicians who have evidently not kept their Campaigning Promises. 

Five Years on, Buhari’s Incapability is writ large. Instead of delivering on internal Security, as he promised he would against armed Terrorists, he ordered the Killing of not only defenceless Citizens but who also carried no Weapons. The Man has no Integrity, Fulani or no Fulani, I am Fulani too. In fact, the Man is only part Fulani. He is also Hausa as he is Kanuri. Most of those young People demonstrating on the Streets are in the Age Group of his Children. He did not stop to think 'those children out there could be mine were the Situation reversed’. How degenerate could Buhari be? Even those we call “Animals”, on four Legs, have been known to care for and/or worry about Offsprings not their’s.  Buhari is demonstrably a psychologically dysfunctional Parent. 

I heard someone the other Day in a Voice Broadcast deceiving herself it was sign of Disorganization and Weakness that #EndSARS young People had no “Leader.” What an Idiot she and her Like are. She probably does not even know what ‘Leader’ means philosophically. Those who do not already know, can now understand why Nigeria is misdirected. Here we have someone, by Value-Judgment not a young Person, denouncing young People with Venom, yet without cogent Basis. It is obvious that she is incapable of appreciating the various Manners of Articulation by Nigeria’s young Generation with her general Argument and the Comparisons she made. She could not self-learn Lessons from Phenomena new to her. I suspect that this Person is Part of the invisible-corrupt of Nigerian Society.  

I must add here that it is legally incorrect to refer to #EndSARS young People as “youth”. This Error is committed even by those who claim to be Lawyers. It is also Misrepresentation from the Perspective of the Political Scientist that I am. It is a socio-political Anomaly to refer to all young Persons as “youths.“ It is so annoyingly uneducated to hear them referred to as such. The 1999 Nigerian Constitution in s.29 is clear that anyone above the Age of Eighteen (18) Years is of “Full Age” clearly meaning an Adult. 

Buhari is systematically wasting the young Generations of Nigeria – Nigeria intentionally used instead of Nigerians – who, severally and collectively, have shown us how really, they are the Hope for 'Nigeria', the geo-social Aberration. These young Adults and mature Adults are the Future Viability of ‘Nigeria’. No old Person, especially an intellectually-barren One, should be let to continue to murder them so that he can perpetuate himself in Power. The World must not condone Muhammadu Buhari’s Atrocities. The World must say ‘no, enough is enough’. 

The Young, and those older but born on 1 October 1960 and later on the Soils which claim to be ‘Nigeria’ are the true ‘Nigerians’ if they still wish to be identified by those meaningless – in fact, ignominious – Descriptions of Country and Persons. Oldies and retrospective-Nigerians, like Muhammadu Buhari, have no Right governing them. So, what if he fought in the Civil War to keep ‘Nigeria’ indivisible? What did he and Others know about the Spirit of Nationhood and/or that what bespeaks Nation is not necessarily in the Composition of Country? The Lead Secessionists in the Biafran Breakaway had an inchoate Appreciation of ‘Nation’ but their Hate for the Hausa-Fulani stopped them from the comprehensive Understanding of what it is to be a Nation. 

The Adversity of Civilian Rule in Nigeria 

Did anyone detect the Pattern in my Experiences of Police Violence on me in Nigeria? All Incidents happened under Civilian Governments. So, young People of Nigeria I have been there but I see more than you are seeing. Ordinary Folks in Nigeria, the average “I mind my Business” Type like most of you, suffer from Police Brutality under those you have elected to govern you. I am seeing that Civilian Governance is not good for Nigeria. It is wasteful and it does not deliver. 

You pay Politicians in Office so much Money as Salary but have they taken Nigeria forward in Development of any Sort? What they have done, under Façade of Advancement, is indebt Nigeria to the People’s Republic of China for Hundreds of Years to come in neo-Colonial Daze. They appropriate so much for themselves as Expenses but where is the Outcome in improving the Living Standards of Nigerians, young and old, the infirm, the sick? How dependable is the Healthcare Provision as ‘Public Good’? Where are the educational Initiatives? What Housing Programmes are initiated for low-Income Earners? 

Has paying these incompetent Politicians so hugely stopped them from stealing your Money, the same Misconduct your Parents and older Relatives – Aunts, Cousins, Siblings, Uncles – accused the Military of doing? What exactly have been the Dividends of Electoral Politics other than electing revolving and exclusionary Oligarchies over you and deceiving yourselves that you have “Democracy”? 

Nigerians point at the United Kingdom (UK) and the US as Examples of Democracy. However, as far as I can tell, I do not witness Democracy but Electoral Politics. I should know. After all, I am an Academic Philosopher with a Research Degree (MPhil/PhM) in Political Studies. Push your thinking, young People. Compare the Upkeep of the Military in Government to the Maintenance of your elected Agbada Oligarchs in Power and the huge Drain on Public Finances. Think it through young People. 

While you are mulling over my foregoing Observations, you might wish to assist me with whether any Military Government in Nigeria had ever punished the Media for how they reported on Issues as Buhari's Government is now pushing down on African Independent Television (AIT), Arise News (ARISEtv) and Channels Television (channelstv). Buhari is even breaching the individual Liberties of Citizens, i.e., interfering with their Bank Accounts and/or seizing their Passports, where suspected or known to be connected to the #EndSARS’ Protest. 

Protesters have also been arrested on false Allegations. Peaceful Demonstrators arrested on fabricated Offences? To what End? That ‘the People’ would be muzzled? Walahi, Buhari deceives himself. When Allah endows ‘the People’ with the Strength to fight back, ‘Aso Rock’ will not save him. Buhari's Administration is visibly neurotic and it is Indication of Guilt Infection. The Man must face criminal Charges, no Question. Buhari is “Eranko”, truly

Even if we find Evidence that past Military Governments had descended on the Media, as Buhari's Civilian Junta, we should think back to my preceding Highlights of the Deficiencies of Civilians in Government. In the Main, they are simply not worth it. I would further wish us to recall that the Military under Buhari's Civilian Regime, has raided Media Offices and even banned a global Children’s Charity. Where in any Electoral Polity do we find the Armed Forces interfering in Domestic Matters independent of the Civilian Oligarchy? Any Way you look at it, Muhammadu Buhari is a Despot who relies on the Military as his personal Garde du Corps

The Fundamental of Electoral Politics is not about the 'Common Good' but entrenched solely in the Objective of 'Good of the Political Party for the Benefit of Party Oligarchs'. Observe, i.e., the Electoral Politics of the US regarding the Appointment of Justices to the Supreme Court. In 2016, the Republican Senate prevented Democrat President Obama from appointing anyone. The Argument was that it was Election Year and  could only be fair to 'the People' to fill the vacant Bench after the Election. Obama still had about 8-9 Months to go. In 2020, the same Republican Senate with the same Senate Leader, who made the Remonstration in 2016, steamrolled Republican President Trump's Appointment within 1 Month of the Election. Why? The Republic Party, aka GOP, desired to overload the Supreme Court with GOP Sympathisers such that their Malfeasance in Office can be absolved by the ultimate Court in the Country. 

So, you see, there is no Concern for the Common Good. Trump tried during this 2020 Elections to steal 127,000 Votes, presumably Democratic, in Harris County, Texas by having the Courts invalidate them. He was denied by the State Supreme Court of Republican Justices, however. Those GOP Justices rebelled. Enough was enough for even them with that most unpleasant Person. Then Trump audaciously ordered Discontinuance of the counting of Election Votes for the Presidency when he was about 20 Electoral College Votes behind his Opponent, Joe Biden. Recognizing that the Presidency has no such Power he vowed to go to the Supreme Court, as he had consistently threatened. Why? He has overloaded the Court with Republicans and he was hoping they would remember they owe him. 

Of course, you find Emily W Murphy, Republican and Donald Trump nominated Administrator of the ‘General Services Administration' paying her Dues as the ‘Pied Piper’. She has refused to validate Joe Biden's Win because her Benefactor will not concede his Loss of the 2020 Presidential Election. To make Matters worse, Attorney General (AG) William Barr has asked the Justice Department to investigate Trump’s frivolous Allegations of Voter Fraud. It is said that this Directive by an AG “is unprecedented.“ Barr is Republican and a Donald Trump Appointee. He is another One paying Dues. Now understand why the GOP rushed through Amy Coney Barrett Appointment to the Supreme Court? They are hoping she too would pay her Dues by making Trump the Winner of an Election he lost most woefully, and which they knew beforehand he would lose. Electoral Politics are not safe, as a matter of course. They are a Tool of Totalitarianism when a Child’s Brain in Adult Body, like Buhari or Trump, is elected Head of Government. 

Clarificatory Notes (the footnoting did not work but I will keep try to get a Hold. Apologies)

  1. Government is the higher Tier of the Implementation of the Policing Concept. The lower Tier comprises the internal Management Structures of Police Forces.

  2. I have used the Expression 'essentially' in recognition of Instances when non-'white' Cops would target Civilians of own Kind, perhaps in wishing to be accepted by the 'white' Police Fraternity or acting out something much worse, like Self-Hate and/or 'Racism by Proxy' against own Kind.

  3. I must be honest to say that I have been to the USA more than once and to four States but not once did I face Police Brutality. The Officers I talked to on the Streets were actually quite friendly. However, I once encountered Immigration and Customs Harassment after I had cleared Immigration. It was clear that I was especially targeted. One officer of a Crowd of one Immigration Officer and about 10 Customs Officers pointed at me and said “there he is” as they approached me to ask me out of the Customs Queue. 

  4. For the Definition of State, see dan Iyan, I. P., The New World Order 1986 to 1999: The Behaviour of the United States Within United Nations Security Council Responses to Global Conflicts, Aberdeen: University of Aberdeen, Google Books, 2002. 

  5. If I met my People (Africans) living in the 18th Century, I could not be that far off from the 17th/16th. 

  6. I have been to North Africa since then but only 2 Nights in Morocco.

  7. I asked Questions of Officers in Los Angeles (LA) including County Police – I even took Photos with Two Deputy Sheriffs – and of an Officer in Las Vegas (LV). I was not asking for Directions. I was asking why they were patrolling where they were (LA) and why his Uniform was the Color it was (LV). No harsh Words were directed at me. No Threats either. They were even ready to talk except for the Guy in LV but he answered my Question and he was not rude. Besides, he was standing next to his Patrol Car and writing in his Notebook when I approached him. 

  8. Truth be told. I talked to a young Nigerian Colonel at a Supermarket. He was very polite. Was it because he was in The Gambia or was it because he recognized me as Fulani as himself – I was thus recognized by a Fulani Child-Herder in Ghana – or was it because he was a Senior Officer or was it because he is well brought up? I think it is because his Parents taught him well.

  9. On Ahiara Declaration. In early Commentaries on this Matter, I had castigated Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, the  Military President solely for this Hate, as evident in the Ahiara Declaration of 1969. However, Ojukwu alone was not responsible for that Document. He probably might not even have felt any Hate towards the Hausa-Fulani, and his broadcasting the Declaration was a Case of the collective Decision not necessarily his consented Decision. That is that Collective Decisions are not necessarily Consensual Decisions. 

  10. Violence is physical Harm, psychological Harm, and the Threat of either. 

  11. On 'Public Good' - See Samuelson, P.A,. “Diagrammatic Exposition of a Theory of Public Expenditure”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol.37, Issue 4 (Nov 1955). See also his earlier Work, “The Pure Theory of Public Expenditure”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol.36, Issue 4 (Nov 1954).

  12. Visit how John Locke (1690), Jean Jacques Rousseau (1762), Joseph Schumpeter (1942) and Robert Dahl (1956) saw this Practice propagandized as ‘Democracy’. I am doing 2 Books for Sale which look at the Origin of Democracy in Concept and Practice. 

  13. I passed my viva voce the first Time with minor additions to the Dissertation later published by the awarding University. See dan Iyan, I. P., op.cit 

  14. 'Common Good' - Self-explanatory but see Rousseau, J. J., The Social Contract, 1762.



Ipemndoh dan Iyan PhM©

All Rights 2020

13 November



Ipemndoh dan Iyan PhM©

All Rights 2020

13 November


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