Aside Nationality Advocacies, the Nigerian socio-economic Condition is absolute not relative
Ipemndoh dan Iyan Really? You live in Nigeria. You are Nigerians. You talk about Nigerians but you do not fully understand the Nigerian Plight. Please, get off your high Horses. Ipemndoh dan Iyan © Nigeria is not a Nation. It is a Country; a Territorial-State. I have said this many Times. Nigeria comprises many Nations. A Nation is 'Group Belongingness to common cultural History, and shared Genealogy'. However, ‘Nation’ is not my Subject of Discussion here. Oseni Rufai and his ARISE News Team are. I believe Mr Oseni Rufai’s 1 Indignation here in at the Attack on Aso Rock Premises is misguided . His Agitation over the Breach of sacrosanct 2 Aso Rock is in stark Relief to the Insecurity of the ordinary Nigerian for Safety of the Person, and the Home. I would be more concerned for 'the People' rather than be preoccupied with the Safety and/or Well-being of Representatives – Officials and/or elected Members – of a Self-serving Govern...